
How to Get the Most Out of a Live Stream Yoga Class


If you’ve tried one of our Zoom classes, you’ve already experienced the power of connecting to your yoga community while flowing from home! Checking in with the teacher, voicing your pose requests, and saying hi to your yogi friends is possible, and suddenly the routine of home practice becomes so much more. That’s exactly why we’ve chosen to maintain our robust live stream yoga schedule. While pre-recorded yoga videos are fantastic, and we’re constantly adding to our rad YouTube library, there’s truly nothing like getting to connect with y’all in real time. Below, we’ve provided some quick tips so that you can begin to make the most out of your live stream yoga experience! As always, thank you for your incredible flexibility during this time. We’re so happy to be able to bring you some yoga goodness at home. 

1. Set up your space

It doesn’t need to be anything fancy, but setting up a small space in your home prior to class will assist you in actually making it onto your mat! Find a quiet space (if possible), put devices on silent if you can, roll out your mat, and grab any props you may have! Remember, things like blocks can easily be replaced with books. Straps can be replaced with hand towels. Bolsters can be replaced with pillows. The possibilities are endless!

2. Take some time to learn about Zoom

You’ll want to sign up for your class via our schedule HERE, on WellnessLiving, or on the Soul Strong Yoga app at least 30 minutes in advance. You’ll then be sent a link to the Zoom class! Take some time to explore Zoom upon entering the class. Watch a great introductory video of its basic features HERE. You can choose to have your video on or off, depending on how social you’re feeling. 

The most important thing to understand is the mute feature! Once class begins, be sure to press the mute button so no one can hear you. Otherwise, your roommates that are coming in and out? Your dog that’s barking? Your partner that’s singing? We can hear that 🙂 

BUT, just because you’re muted as class begins doesn’t mean you can’t speak up! If you have questions during class, reach out via the chat feature and the teacher will see your message pop up on the screen.

3. Explore the Soul Strong Yoga Spotify

While you’re muted, feel free to play your own music! If you’re looking for suggestions, check out Soul Strong Yoga on Spotify HERE. Some teachers may even have a specific playlist suggestion for you based on the class that day. 

4. Say hello!

Remember, this time is for YOU! Turn your mic back on after class if you feel like chatting with your teacher and friends. Or even join the meeting a few minutes early if you want to say hey! Part of taking care of your health means making sure you’re adequately connected to others. If we can assist you in that, we’d love to! We miss you all so much!

Reach out if you have any more questions about accessing live stream yoga classes. Take care!

Also, check out Soul Strong Yoga’s online and self-paced Yoga Alliance Yoga Teacher Training at www.teachyogaforall.com. You’ll become a 200 hour certified yoga teacher with Yoga Alliance with a specialization in vinyasa yoga for all people. You will also learn more about restorative yoga, yin yoga, and mediation with our yoga teacher certification program. We have an incredible yoga video library that comes free with www.teachyogaforall.com!