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Gratitude for Hard Times – Journaling Prompts Included!

Around this time of year, we at Soul Strong try to make sure there’s a plethora of self-care resources available to our students. Winter time is different for everyone. It can be a slow, pensive time of reflection, it can be a panicked rush to tie up all loose ends from the year, or maybe something in between. Holidays may bring us closer to family, or pull us further apart. And while Hallmark movies give us this picture perfect image of the time, the year wrapping up with a perfect snow and sense of catharsis, a lot of the time, that’s just not how things go. So, if you’re in that boat, if the end of your year is looking more like a gift wrapped in newspaper than a perfect little bow, this post is for you. I want to pose this question: what if, in looking back at 2019, we can begin to find gratitude around the things that were difficult? What if we looked at the hardest times and found what we gained from them? After all, if someone asked you right now what some of the most influential times of your life have been, it’s likely there’d be some tough times in that list, yeah?

A key aspect of resilience in adulthood is being able to create meaning around our experiences. Taking something that’s, if not good, at least constructive away from hard times is important in maintaining a sense of hope and purpose in life. It’s also important to be able to take a step back and look at the year as it was. If you tend to sugarcoat, actively finding gratitude for the hard times may just be what it takes to get you to look back at anything that was less than great. It’s time to go into 2020 feeling empowered around our experiences. Take the time to acknowledge all of the hard work you did this year by just being a human. Below, I’ve outlined a few journaling prompts for you to reflect on. Find a quiet space, if you can, and jot down your thoughts. Take this experience for yourself, or share your answers with us over on the Soul Strong Instagram @soulstrongyoga Be well, yogis. 


-What did I experience this year that was tough?

-Did I react to these experiences in any ways that I am proud of? If so, what are they? 

-If not, how did I act and how would I act differently next time?

-What have I personally gained from going through this hard time?

-How can I carry this new found strength over into my new year?

Want to deepen your knowledge of yoga, yoga asana, yoga philosophy, and more, be sure to check out Soul Strong Yoga’s online and self-paced Yoga Alliance Yoga Teacher Training at www.teachyogaforall.com. You’ll become a 200 hour certified yoga teacher with Yoga Alliance with a specialization in vinyasa yoga for all people.