advanced asana

Top 3 Reasons to practice Advanced Asana in Yoga

“ A practice of strength and flexibility in the body seems to translate to a stronger grasp on strength and flexibility of the mind. When you can get back up and try a Crow Pose again after a fumble, in what other areas of your life can you fall flat on your face and laugh about it?” – Clara Hayes

While the Yoga Sutras teach us that asana (physical yoga postures) is just a small fraction of what makes up the yoga practice, I deeply believe asana acts as a gateway to so much more. Finding a challenge in your physical yoga practice, whether that’s in a handstand or Savasana, can not only strengthen your body, but strengthen your mind.

Pattabhi Jois used to say to his students “Practice and all is coming.” It is so true. With this practice, not only does access to more and more physical asana continue to arrive, but mental strength seems to deepen and stay in larger and longer waves. The following list consists of my top 3 favorite benefits of practicing advanced asana.

#1 Courage

When I speak of courage, I’m talking about mustering up the bravery to just TRY what may seem frightening. Courage is that first step (or maybe leap) into the unknown. In advanced asana, sometimes it’s attempting a handstand without fully knowing the outcome. It’s trusting your body, trusting yourself, just long enough to try. When you can make it through that initial obstacle of self-talk, doubt and reasons not to try, you may just find yourself with the courage to try what scares you in other areas of life! Where else in your life can you acknowledge your fear but keep going? 

#2 Resilience

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity. Say you’ve mustered up the courage to try a new pose only to fall flat on your face? It’s happened to all of us. Resilience is the ability to try and try again, not letting experiences of the past dictate your present state. A practice of strength and flexibility in the body seems to translate to a stronger grasp on strength and flexibility of the mind. When you can get back up and try a Crow Pose again after a fumble, in what other areas of your life can you fall flat on your face and laugh about it?

#3 Concentration

I’d say concentration is one of the biggest gifts of advanced asana. The yogic part of a handstand isn’t necessarily the posture, but the fact that the posture forces you to be present, to focus deeply through great mental chatter. In order to maintain any advanced asana without a tumble, you’ll be required to focus your breath, your gaze and your mind. There isn’t space to think about your to-do list or daily stresses. All that matters for that moment is staying in the moment. How beautiful is that? This deep concentration and single-pointed focus may just begin to trickle over into your meditation practice and daily life. 

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